The act of breathing always happens in the present moment. IT is automatic and autonomic.

VOLITION is the power of wilfully and deliberately choosing or deciding to TAKE a particular course of action.
“I climbed well to the final rest, stuck my highpoint, and then made a conscious decision to not let go.”
When we act with volition we are choosing or decidinG a particular course of actions. we do this by linking OUR will and autonomic processes by breathing consciously.
by wilfully (VOLITION) taking a conscious breath we make a decision to take control of the moment.
Wim Hof is a master of his volition and conscious breathing. Past the death zone in nothing but his shorts he recalls:
“In a moment in which everything was seemingly out of control, his mind took control, through his breath. “
Chris Sharma updates his belief (feeling total chaos) and finds peace by breathing:
“And it all comes back to just breathing, in those times that we feel like everything is total chaos, and to be in the middle of that you breathe and find peace in those moments.”
Controlled breathing is our anchor.
Controlled breathing is our anchor to the present moment, bringing all our energies to one coherent point.